
Brief History of Walden AcademyTop of Page

Parents wanted a choice in public education. Ten sets of parents met, loaned the school $2500 and hired an attorney. The Charter document was written in 30 days. Then the group gathered the necessary signatures and turned it into the local District. The local school District reviewed the petition and denied us. We appealed to the County Board of Education and they approved the Charter for 5 years.  In February 2016 we presented our Charter Renewal to the Glenn County Office of Education and we were approved for another five year term.  

About Charter SchoolsTop of Page

Charter schools are schools of choice: Parents select the school their child attends. Families and community members are welcomed in charter schools and are treated as partners in their child's education. Charter schools are free to attend and are public schools.

Walden Academy OrganizationTop of Page

Walden Academy is governed by Walden Academy Inc., California public benefit corporation. The Board is obligated to follow the Brown Act and operate in the public view. We have the same rules as other public entities with regards to employee rights and privacy.
The Board of Directors is made up of four parents, one teacher and one community member. Board nominations are held in October. You can nominate yourself or another parent to open spots on the Board at that time.

Board Members Contact Information:
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Michael Martin - Board President and Parent
John Gladman - Board Vice President and Parent
Nathan Michaud - Board Secretary and Parent
Julia Mercado - Board Treasurer and Parent

Board Meetings
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The board meets the fourth Tuesday every month from August to June. Reference our calendar on the home screen for more details on monthly board meeting dates.